141 to 150 of 160
  • by Louise Garver - February 2, 2012
    Over the last couple of years, some executives may have experienced a longer gap between jobs than ever before in their careers. As someone who wants to move to the next step in the interviewing process, you are anxious to hear back from the hiring manager after an interview. What can you or should you do? Following up after an interview is crucial. CareerBuilder conducted a survey in 2011 and found that 22% of hiring manag...
  • by Louise Garver - February 2, 2012
    Executives, yes this means you, too. Understanding and communicating your brand will help you in all stages of your job search, as well as in managing your career going forward. Do you have a rock solid brand message that clearly and concisely is achieving the results you desire? If not, it’s no longer a “nice to have, but a must have.” Don’t waste valuable time during the first quarter of the year when some of the best opp...
  • by Louise Garver - January 12, 2012
    Do you know who is in your network? Do you work your network effectively and efficiently? Let’s start with the facts. Everyone knows at least 10 people. Think of the old AT&T TV commercial where they talk about one person knows 10 people and those 10 people know 10 people and soon you have a screen full of hundreds to thousands of faces. How many people do you have in your network that you can connect with today? Have you l...
  • by Louise Garver - January 12, 2012
    2012. A New Year. This time of year many people make New Year resolutions, some easy to keep, others impossible. Have you ever thought about changing just one thing? That’s not overwhelming; it’s just one thing. The power of one can have a big impact on your life. Here are a few suggestions of how to incorporate the power of one into your life this year to change it for the better.1.Learn something new. I know, I know, you...
  • by Louise Garver - January 12, 2012
    “Am I where I want to be in my career?” There are many phases to a career. It can be thought of like a beginning, middle and end. In the beginning an individual experiences almost all new learning, skill development and obtaining industry knowledge. The middle (as well as the end) of a person’s career can be a comfortable place to be – for a while. At this point, you may know your industry, have gained skills to do your job...
  • by Louise Garver - December 15, 2011
    With the exception of the week between December 25th and January 1st, executive candidates should keep up the job search pace and not wait until January to initiate a new career campaign. So the answer is NO! Many opportunities may be missed during late November through December. You don’t want to kick yourself later saying. “I could have been hired, only if…..” Companies that are considering hiring campaigns in the new yea...
  • by Louise Garver - December 9, 2011
    Think of Coca Cola. Do you have a picture of a can of Coca Cola clearly in your mind? What do you see? Red and white/silver aluminum can with distinctive lettering. Now picture a glass of coke, just an ordinary glass with a dark colored beverage inside. It could be Coke, but it could also be Pepsi; it could even be root beer. If the ‘resume’ of Coca Cola just talked about a carbonated soft drink in general terms, and didn’t...
  • by Louise Garver - June 30, 2011
    Using Facebook for networking is not a new concept anymore, but you can expand your Facebook network extensively by joining some of Facebook’s professional groups. Do a Facebook search for the names of any professional organizations in your industry, company names that you might have an interest in working for, or general interest groups that are related to your preferred industry. Once you have joined these Facebook groups...
  • by Louise Garver - June 16, 2011
    LinkedIn recently announced that they were adding an “Apply With LinkedIn” button to job postings, allowing users to send their profiles directly to potential employers with the click of a link. Job seekers will be able to streamline the job application process tremendously, making it easier than ever to manage their job search. By filling out their profile in a detailed manner one time, they can then avoid having to comple...
  • by Louise Garver - June 16, 2011
    The following questions are among those that you can choose to ask during interviews. Select a few so that you can round out the information you need to make a decision about the company, as well as appear interested and enthusiastic about the opportunity. Why is this position open?How often has it been filled in the past 5 to 10 years?What have been the primary reasons for persons leaving?Why did the person who held this p...