Embrace Change in the New Year
Embrace the Change in the New Year - Questers Dare to Change Shows How

Are you a Quester? Could you become one? What are Questers anyway?

Questers are redefining the way we look at lifelong career, personal, and spiritual growth. Questers are described in the award-winning, Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life.

Like many of us, Questers will probably spend a third to half of their adult lives working or thinking about work. But unlike many people at crucial points in their careers, they set off on quests to find new life challenges. Some start taking charge of their careers early. Others are near retirement.

We’re all born Questers. However, as we grow older, societal institutions impede development of Quester traits.  Fortunately, we retain Quester traits within and can strengthen these, if we desire.

Maybe you share some personality characteristics Questers tend to have. Take the Quester Quiz.

Why Questers Succeed

Questers are purposeful, innovative, and resilient. They view career advancement as growth of the whole person. Independent, optimistic, and often drawn to challenges, Questers have courage to risk.

Questers measure success by internal standards rather than by the “shoulds” of others. They value self-respect more than what others say about them. For them, security in a changing world must come from within.

Because they work hard and are goal-oriented, they tend to succeed. Indeed, some become billionaires or achieve celebrity. Money and prestige, however, are by-products. Questers include the accountant turned potter, the laid off worker who created her new job, and the millionaire who started his business with $60.00.

Questers have been around for centuries. Famous Questers include Socrates, Galileo Galilei, Marie Curie, Nelson Mandela, and J.K. Rowling.

Because Questers create self-harmonious work by choosing purposeful activities that provide meaning and direction, they tend to have higher levels of career and personal satisfaction than many others. Questers are productive, healthy, and happy well into their nineties.
Questers create work that’s in harmony with their purpose. As a child, Fred loved fixing things so he studied mechanical engineering. He had been promoted to senior management within a large organization, but wasn’t happy. So, he pursued his purpose, “fixing things” by becoming a maintenance manager in a large apartment complex. “If you’re doing something you like, it’s not really work, and you’re making money…”  Fred radiates joy.

Questers measure success internally. Some may think Fred moved down the occupational prestige ladder, but Fred believes he moved up the ladder of success and satisfaction. Fred enjoys his work, is productive, and sets high standards.

Attuned to changes within and around them, Questers anticipate layoffs and know voluntary and involuntary career changes are a normal part of growth. Therefore, quitting a job during a recession may be smart. While his colleagues worried about being laid off, Mike upgraded his skills and contacted employers. He was offered a job the day he received his pink slip.

Not all Questers live to work. Some work to live.  Terry's passion is to enjoy life. “Although I get satisfaction from doing a good job, I devote my life to hobbies and volunteer activities.”

Retirement is obsolete to Questers. Antonio, a professor, says; “I choose not to retire because work is too much fun…If I wasn’t paid, I would continue to work!'

Nurturing the Quester Spirit

  • Take charge. Create a life in which you can continue to learn, grow, and have choices. Life is an opportunity, take it, life is an adventure, dare it!
  • Clarify purpose. Identify themes: absorbing childhood activities, proud accomplishments, when you’re most energized, a favorite Halloween costume.
  • Be authentic, real. Do what’s right for you. Ensure actions are consistent with thoughts and feeling. Set goals in harmony with your purpose.
  • Build confidence. Focus on the positive. Avoid, “I can’t.”  Don’t compare yourself with others. Judge accomplishments against personal standards and strive for excellence.
  • Continue to learn. Read, take courses, volunteer. Challenge conventional beliefs. Recognize and seize opportunities. Find better ways to do things. Try! Place no limitations on yourself.
  • Strengthen courage to risk. Review three successful risks taken. Note what made these successful. Identify perceived barriers for taking another risk and explore ways to overcome these.
  • Manage fear. Identify worrisome issues. Minimize these by researching relevant information and resources. Live in the present. Let go of “attachments.” Join or create a group of supportive people
Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life shows how to embrace change. https://www.amazon.com/Questers-Dare-Change-Your-Life/dp/1508408963

Author, Dr. Carole Kanchier, encourages people to reassess their views of career success, and strengthen Quester traits such as purpose, intuition, and courage to prevail. Carole Kanchier has worked with clients representing varied industries, and has taught at the University of Alberta, University of California, Berkeley and Santa Cruz, and other institutions of higher learning. She chaired the Career Change Committee, National Career Development Association, and was Advisory Board member, College Admission Counseling Program, University of California, Berkeley.

Contact Carole Kanchier: carole@questersdaretochange.com; www.questersdaretochange.com