Company Overview

Our Mission

Empowering and Transforming Lives through Christ

Our Culture: Micah 6:8  •  Act Justly  •  Love mercy  •  Walk humbly

The prophet Micah was imploring the Israelites to understand that believers have to be willing to live lives that are radically different from the rest of the world. Contrary to the world, God is a defender of the poor and the oppressed.  Healing Haiti recognizes this is the same truth we need to live by today. We acknowledge we cannot live a radical life when we are more loyal to the norms and culture of this world, rather than the mandate of God.

Act Justly: Concern for the vulnerable is very much a part of God’s character (Pss 146:7-9). Healing Haiti is called to be a people of action for the Kingdom of God.   We diligently and joyfully seek to follow God’s command to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves (Prov 31:8).

Love Mercy: Mercy is extended to us daily and is an example for us to follow.  Healing Haiti believes those that show mercy to the poor, to the sick and to the needy are in effect ministering to Him personally (Matt 25:35-40).  We are called not to love with words or tongue, but with action and in truth (1 John 3:17-18).

Walk humbly:  Healing Haiti strives to depend on Him rather than our own abilities (Micah 2:3). Instead of taking pride in what we bring to God, we humbly recognize that no amount of personal sacrifice can replace a heart committed to justice and love.

Our Values: [The nonnegotiables].

Spirit Empowered: We strive to be sensitive to His leadership and guidance, obedience to His promptings, and dependent upon His strength. We acknowledge that when the Holy Spirit is in charge of us, He does through us what we cannot do for ourselves ( Acts 1:8; John 14:26)

Gospel Led: We believe the Gospel is not peripheral, rather it is central in our ministry. The Gospel is the heart, the sum of who we are. It is the Gospel which shapes our global mission. We believe faith in Jesus is the only way to be saved (John 14:6; Acts 4:12)

Holistic Approach: We believe holistic ministry views persons through God’s eyes,  Every person is unique and a wonderful creation, bought by Christ, destined for eternity. Thus, our ministry serves to every dimension of human need, spiritually, physically and emotionally.  Because of the Holy Spirit’s power to make all things new, we see all persons in terms of their potential rather than their problems (Matt 25:31-46)

Serving in a holistic approach, we seek to break down barriers between those serving and those being served. We recognize all involved in our ministry are imperfect people; all are in need of God’s grace. We, therefore, serve in a posture of gratitude and humility, continually recognizing our own brokenness before the cross

Generous Spirit: We acknowledge everything we have is a gift from God. (1 Timothy 6:17). Our spirit should be generous because we have been given to so generously (Luke 12:48). We believe a generous spirit is one that lives and gives with an eternal perspective.

We follow Jesus’ standard of generosity by continually checking the condition of our heart. Our good deeds should be motivated by a sincere desire to help others and to glorify God through our time, our talents and our treasures. We constantly remind ourselves our mission is not about us; rather, it is all about God (John 3:30)

Leading Through Empowering: In order to empower others, we need to value serving, rather than being served, relationship and results rather than status and supremacy (Ephes 4:12))

We believe to lead others well; we must help them to reach their potential.  We are committed to continuously creating an environment that invites freedom for others to take initiative, make decisions, and exercise their strengths within their area of responsibility and within the identified boundaries of the ministry (2 Tim 2:2; Matthew 28:18-20).

We believe empowered people accept their responsibility for their empowerment, rather than blaming others for what they do not have. They are prepared to grow, change and be stretched.

Company Summary
Healing Haiti
Number of Employees
Not available
(651) 503-5836
2629 S Shore Blvd
White Bear Lake, MN